The Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy (IFSD) has been asked by the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society to undertake additional research on Jordan’s Principle pursuant to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal’s (CHRT) orders (2022 CHRT 8).
The project will make recommendations for consideration to develop and implement structural solutions to achieving substantive equality for First Nations children, youth, and families. This work builds on findings from IFSD’s September 2022 report, Data assessment and framing of analysis of substantive equality through the application of Jordan’s Principle.
IFSD’s approach will be bottom-up with a focus on engagement with those working in capacities related to Jordan’s Principle. Other primary data sources and secondary data sources will also be used.
A regionally representative working group has been assembled to provide practitioner input on operating realities, successes/challenges, and considerations for refining/improving matters associated to Jordan’s Principle.
The final report is expected to be completed by December 2024.
IFSD’s Mandate for this Project
IFSD’s mandate is to respond (in part) to the recommendations made in Part 1, and propose options for the long-term sustainability of Jordan’s Principle through the:
For additional details, see this presentation.
How can I contribute?
IFSD welcomes suggestions of practitioners and other experts that may wish to share their professional experiences/work experiences with Jordan’s Principle.
There are different ways to contribute these experiences:
How your contribution will be used
IFSD relies on the experiences of those working with Jordan’s Principle to help to build a portrait of its operationalization and results. The information shared in writing or during a discussion will be reviewed by IFSD for use as a case study or informational note. IFSD will prepare a document with the intended use of the information for review by the interlocutor. IFSD will not use responses or reference an interlocutor in any of its internal or external briefings without explicit written consent. At any time, you can write to IFSD to withdraw your participation and any contributions made will be destroyed.
Guiding questions
IFSD is seeking professional experiences interacting with Jordan’s Principle. The questions below are intended to guide written responses or discussions with IFSD.
With questions or to contribute. contact us at