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IFSD Fiscal Credibility Assessment Conservative Party of Canada Platform 2021

IFSD finds The Conservative Party of Canada’s Platform with ratings of ‘good’ across two of the three assessment principles (realistic economic and fiscal assumptions, responsible fiscal management, and transparency).

IFSD Fiscal Credibility Assessment Liberal Party of Canada Platform 2021

IFSD finds that the Liberal Party Platform 2021 merits an overall rating of ‘good,’ with ratings of ‘good’ across the three assessment principles (realistic economic and fiscal assumptions, responsible fiscal management, and transparency).

Fiscal Sustainability under Alternative Scenarios

Despite the unprecedented increase in COVID-related government spending, current government finances are estimated to be sustainable in the long run.  What happens if there is a moderate increase in interest rates or the government introduces a new program that rises spending significantly on a permanent basis?

Not the most alluring of tasks: reforming Canada’s fiscal practices, lessons from the Open Budget Survey (OBS) 2019

Budgeting is about more than dollars, but about trade-offs.  How money is allocated, the value citizens get for the spending, and the long-term sustainability of public finances are crucial considerations.  How does Canada’s system compare to those of its international peers?  The International Budget Partnership’s Open Budget Survey offers some perspective on transparency, legislative, and audit oversight.

The Election and Public Finances

In the 2019 federal election, between the two front running parties, there seems to be battle lines drawn between the party of fiscal responsibility and the party of policy leadership.  We are led to believe that these choices are mutually exclusive.  Both the Conservatives and the Liberals are to blame for this confusion.  The blame can be shared by the rest of us who have failed to explain the nuances of a well performing government budgetary system.  We have attempted to assess the party platforms for fiscal credibility but feel that we should now put these in some context.

IFSD Fiscal Credibility Assessment: New Democratic Party (NDP) Platform 2019 Costing

IFSD finds that that the NDP Party Platform Costing merits an overall ‘pass’ rating including a ‘pass’ rating on the principles related to realistic economic and fiscal assumptions and responsible fiscal management; and a ‘fail’ rating with respect to transparency.

IFSD Fiscal Credibility Assessment: Conservative Party of Canada Platform 2019 Costing

IFSD finds that that the Conservative Party Platform Costing merits an overall ‘pass’ rating, including a ‘pass’ rating on the principles related to realistic economic and fiscal assumptions and transparency; and a ‘good’ rating with respect to responsible fiscal management.

IFSD Fiscal Credibility Assessment: Bloc Québécois Platform 2019 Costing

IFSD finds that the Bloc Québécois’ Platform 2019 Costing fails overall with respect to realistic economic and fiscal assumptions, responsible fiscal management and transparency.

IFSD Fiscal Credibility Re-Assessment : Green Party of Canada Platform 2019 Costing

The Green Party of Canada released a revised Platform 2019 Costing document on October 2, 2019. This document followed the initial release of a costing document on September 25, 2019 and a policy commitments document (Election Platform 2019 - Honest, Caring, Ethical Leadership) on September 15, 2019.

IFSD Fiscal Credibility Assessment: Liberal Party of Canada Platform 2019 Costing

The Liberal Party Platform Costing merits an overall ‘good’ rating with a ‘pass’ on realistic economic and fiscal assumptions and a rating of ‘good’ with respect to the principles of responsible fiscal management and transparency.