• Dans la mesure de ce qui est commercialement raisonnable, l’Institut voit à la protection matérielle et électronique des renseignements personnels que vous lui communiquez, et en limite l’accès au personnel qui en a besoin dans l’exercice de ses fonctions. Les renseignements servent exclusivement aux fins pour lesquelles ils ont été recueillis.

Enabling First Nations Children to Thrive

Enabling First Nations Children to Thrive
(December 2018)

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Decomposing Provincial-Canada Yield Spreads: Does Fiscal Discipline Matter?

Decomposing Provincial-Canada Yield Spreads: Does Fiscal Discipline Matter?
(August 2018; No. 18007)

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National Pharmacare in Canada: Choosing a Path Forward

National Pharmacare in Canada: Choosing a Path Forward
(July 2018; No. 18006)

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From Suds to Buds: Canadian Premiers Need to Make Internal Trade an Immediate Priority

From Suds to Buds: Canadian Premiers Need to Make Internal Trade an Immediate Priority
(June 2018; No. 18005)

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Inspire Democracy: A Summary of Proceedings and Participant Consultations

Inspire Democracy: A Summary of Proceedings and Participant Consultations
(May 2018, revised from April 2018; No. 18004)

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Assessing the reasonableness of the estimates of the fiscal plan underlying the 2018 election platform of the Ontario New Democratic Party (Ontario NDP)

Assessing the reasonableness of the estimates of the fiscal plan underlying the 2018 election platform of the Ontario New Democratic Party (Ontario NDP)
(April 2018)

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Ending Homelessness: A Summary of Proceedings

Ending Homelessness: A Summary of Proceedings
(March 2018; No. 18003)

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Budget Spending Blackbox: Building a Bottom-Up Federal Expense Forecast

Budget Spending Blackbox: Building a Bottom-Up Federal Expense Forecast
(February 2018; No. 18002)

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Survey of First Nations Child Welfare Agencies across Canada: Budgets, Operations, and Outputs

Survey of First Nations Child Welfare Agencies across Canada: Budgets, Operations, and Outputs
(January 2018; No. 18001)

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Canada and the US: Sub-National Governments and Canadian Interests

Canada and the US: Sub-National Governments and Canadian Interests
(December 2017; No. 17017)

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