• Dans la mesure de ce qui est commercialement raisonnable, l’Institut voit à la protection matérielle et électronique des renseignements personnels que vous lui communiquez, et en limite l’accès au personnel qui en a besoin dans l’exercice de ses fonctions. Les renseignements servent exclusivement aux fins pour lesquelles ils ont été recueillis.

Assessing the reasonableness of the estimates of the fiscal plan underlying the 2018 election platform of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (Ontario PC)

Assessing the reasonableness of the estimates of the fiscal plan underlying the 2018 election platform of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (Ontario PC)
(November 2017)

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Fiscal Sustainability Report 2017

Fiscal Sustainability Report 2017
(November 2017, revised from November 2017; No. 17016)

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Canada JOLTS: Shedding Light on Labour Market Flows in Canada

Canada JOLTS: Shedding Light on Labour Market Flows in Canada
(October 2017, revised from September 2017; No. 17015)

Cliquer ici pour continuer à lire

Canadian Economic Forecast: Canada's Economy Is Flying High but Growth Will Ultimately Migrate South

Canadian Economic Forecast: Canada's Economy Is Flying High but Growth Will Ultimately Migrate South
(September 2017; No. 17014)

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Federal Fiscal Forecast: In Forecasting as in Life, All Good Things Must Come to an End

Federal Fiscal Forecast: In Forecasting as in Life, All Good Things Must Come to an End
(September 2017; No. 17013)

Cliquer ici pour continuer à lire

Community Benefits Agreements: Empowering Communities to Maximize Returns on Public Infrastructure Investments

Community Benefits Agreements: Empowering Communities to Maximize Returns on Public Infrastructure Investments
(July 2017; No. 17011)

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Infrastructure Investment and Planning

Infrastructure Investment and Planning
(May 2017; No. IIP-EN)

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Role of the Parliamentary Budget Officer: Recommendations to Amend the 2017 Budget Implementation Act

Role of the Parliamentary Budget Officer: Recommendations to Amend the 2017 Budget Implementation Act
(April 2017; No. 17010)

The IFSD has compiled a reading list on independent fiscal institutions. Click here to consult it. An evaluation of IFIs can be read here.

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CHT and the Federation

CHT and the Federation
(April 2017; No. 17009)

Analyses of Ontario, Quebec (in English and in French), New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador are also available. 

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Forecasts: Canadian Fiscal and Economic Forecasts series

Forecasts: Canadian Fiscal and Economic Forecasts series
(March 2017; No. 17008; Vol. 3)

In this issue: Federal Fiscal Forecast: An Improved Outlook, but Deficits Persist for the Foreseeable Future Click here to read this report in English.

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